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Note: there seems to be an issue with banners hosted on non https site. Pretty sure this is a browser issue and depends on the browser or settings. Some browsers will not load assets that are not https. To remedy this ensure to host the banner on a https site. We will be adding an upload function shortly to solve this.

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  Votes Shard Name Online Ping  
Based on ServUO latest publish and many custom systems, UOTale is a new shard developed by players for players. We support the latest client with High Seas.
Cur: 0
Avg: 0
Max: 0
Up: 0%  
UOTopia - The Multiverse
Multiple Unique Custom & Vanilla OSI Clone Servers From Every Different Expansion Of Ultima Online, LOW Pings, Since 2017, Active Playerbase & Atmosphere, Looking For A New Favorite UO Server To Play & Call Home? Look No Further We Have A Server That Will Suit ALL Your Needs & Wildest Dreams!
Cur: 1
Avg: 1
Max: 1
Up: 0%  
UOTopia - The Multiverse
Terra Firma
Custom RunUO 2.0RC2 Core, TONS of custom content, balanced PVP/RP/PVM, Race/Class/Level Systems, Custom Spells, Loot, Monsters, Naval Warfare, Flying Mounts, Racial Speech/NPC interaction, Racial Factions/Warring, Custom Crafting Systems
Cur: 0
Avg: 0
Max: 0
Up: 0%  
Terra Firma
Crimson Blade
Come and check out our family run server with lots of custom content for everyone!
Cur: 0
Avg: 0
Max: 0
Up: 0%  
Crimson Blade
The Fifteen Gems Free Shard
The Fifteen Gems Shard is a Brazilian server of Ultima Online, free, founded between 2000 and 2001, considered the largest Brazilian shard of UO ever made (1000+ players online), and that, after some re-releases, returned to activity in March 2017 , with a new team and with some alternative proposals for the maintenance of the economy and gameplay. We run over sphere and have a Changespeed FREE community.
Cur: 86
Avg: 86
Max: 86
Up: 0%  
The Fifteen Gems Free Shard
Dabbs Land
Hail Newbie. Welcome to Dabbs Land: An Ultima Online Emulator Shard. We are still in Development custom Scriptwriters wanted and are paid a bounty for good scripts. There is no fee to pay , Nope don't need Money! Right now, there's a ton of room for new houses but hurry up and place one before we get overloaded :) Tons of features, thousands of Quests awaits you and were adding new stuff every day. look for the casino and Win a Million Gold We start you with advanced stats just say [advancement.
Cur: 0
Avg: 0
Max: 0
Up: 0%  
Dabbs Land
(Pages: [first] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] )

(There is a total of 196 listed shards out of 1393)
Note: Offline shards become inactive after 7 days, but will still display if they have votes.

We have cancelled our Paypal account but want to thank all those who have donated in the past.
At some point we will set up a different service.

We strongly recommend you also cancel your Paypal account! Here's why.