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Order by: [votes] [name] [players online] [network response time] [uptime] [Last Polled]

  Votes Shard Name Online Ping  
- Cryptonite -
Serveur gratuit francophone. PVP - PVM et RP. Ce serveur, qui utilise sphere, comprend un balancement des 3 types de jeu. HRP interdit. Peu importe votre style de jeu préféré, l'univers de Cryptonite vous permet de faire évoluer votre personnage dans l'univers d'Ultima Online.
Cur: 1
Avg: 3
Max: 16
Cur: 23ms
Avg: 68ms
Up: 100%
- Cryptonite -
AnCorp Shard
AnCorp Shard is a Brazilian server developed by the Game Shard team (www.gshard.com).
Cur: 3
Avg: 4
Max: 12
Cur: 291ms
Avg: 310ms
Up: 100%
AnCorp Shard
Endor Revived
Endor is a popular MMORPG based on the Ultima Online. It has a long tradition of game development and player support dating back to the early 2000s. Exp/Lvl system, custom map, dozens of cities, hundreds of dungeons and quests. Lots of new graphics for items and NPCs (over hundred) and ClassicUO client for fluent gameplay. 5.10.2023 shard was restarted from scratch and has been modernized with a huge update to classes, map, dungeons, systems and much more. With experienced staff always ready to help if you have a problem, and a community to guide you if you get lost, this is an excellent time to begin your adventure. The legend continues with you!
Cur: 92
Avg: 57
Max: 136
Cur: 235ms
Avg: 267ms
Up: 100%
Endor Revived
PvP Quest World
Pvp Quest World - the heir to the Pvp Alfa server. We are a PvP-oriented server with 5 custom classes (Paladin, Vampire, Berserker, Amazon, Necromancer) and 2 human schools (School of Magic and The War Academy). Daily auto tournaments, custom PvM system with Bosses and tonns of fun. Based on SphereServer emulator. Client 2.0.3 Discord: https://discord.gg/Ggh96Q7MjK
Cur: 0
Avg: 0
Max: 1
Cur: 242ms
Avg: 288ms
Up: 100%
PvP Quest World
Classic UO Second Age Shard (Pre-UO:R). 1998/1999 era combat, weapons, armor, healing, spell damage, pre-casting, moongates, magic jewelry and clothing, etc. Felucca only.
Cur: 2
Avg: 2
Max: 3
Cur: 173ms
Avg: 171ms
Up: 100%
UO Lost Lands
T2A done right. Active/attentive staff, consistent development, amazing website, unique achievement system, automated event system, PvM/PvP rankings. Created by players who love T2A, for players who love T2A. Come see why people are talking about us.
Cur: 29
Avg: 25
Max: 45
Cur: 56ms
Avg: 58ms
Up: 100%
UO Lost Lands
Vetus Mundus
Online since 2004, instant account creation, OSI-map fully spawned including Stygian Abyss and High Seas, Multi-shard (PvP on Felucca, PvM, designated RP areas), biggest German shard, English speakers welcome, skillcap 800/900, statcap 225/250, PvP castle siege system, more than 200 quest NPCs. Friendly community and experienced, professional staff.
Cur: 1
Avg: 3
Max: 10
Cur: 182ms
Avg: 202ms
Up: 100%
Vetus Mundus
Die Wendelwelt ist ein deutschsprachiger Shard mit dem Schwerpunkt auf Rollenspiel. PVP, große Featureliste, Profichars und vieles mehr. Profichars können unwiderruflich sterben, sind aber stärker als normale Spieler. Mit der Meisterlaute kann der Barde eigene Lieder komponieren und der Drachenflug ermöglicht die Reise zu entlegenen Orten auf dem Rücken eines Drachens. Das Klassensystem verhindert Magier-Paladin-Nekro-Ritter-Barden. Es gibt Punkte für gutes Rollenspiel. Das Skillscap beträgt 1000. Brieftauben dienen der Kommunikation über weite Strecken und wer einen Wilden spielen möchte, erhält besonderen Schmuck, statt eine schwere Rüstung. Zelte vergammeln und Tiere schlafen nachts. Es empfiehlt sich die gelegentliche Wäsche und man sollte essen und trinken. In Betten kann man schlafen, alle Häuser sind Unikate. Man kann besondere Wölfe und einzigartige Pferde züchten. Die Nächte sind sehr gefährlich. Interesse geweckt?
Cur: 2
Avg: 1
Max: 3
Cur: 464ms
Avg: 486ms
Up: 100%
In Danger of Collapsing
A great little shard - good people and been up for over 5 years!
Cur: 0
Avg: 0
Max: 1
Cur: 415ms
Avg: 443ms
Up: 99.99%
In Danger of Collapsing
Strange Earth UO
Hey, fellow Ultima Online players! Have you been searching for a new and exciting custom shard to explore? Look no further than Strange-Earth! Our team of dedicated developers has been hard at work creating a unique and immersive UO experience. Our teams passion for creating a nostalgic UO shard but with modern day creature comforts has been in the makings since 2020. I am honored to announce that this shard is now open to the public as a Beta. Beta? An early version that contains most of the major features, but not all of the milestones are completed.
Cur: 1
Avg: 3
Max: 9
Cur: 258ms
Avg: 239ms
Up: 99.99%
Strange Earth UO
(Pages: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [Last] )

(There is a total of 192 listed shards out of 1381)
Note: Offline shards become inactive after 7 days, but will still display if they have votes.

We have cancelled our Paypal account but want to thank all those who have donated in the past.
At some point we will set up a different service.

We strongly recommend you also cancel your Paypal account! Here's why.