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Order by: [votes] [name] [players online] [network response time] [uptime] [Last Polled]

  Votes Shard Name Online Ping  
1200.0 Skill cap to keep it fun and still have variety. 275/305 stat cap. Seasonal events, active GMs, GM events, Custom dungeons/gear/pets. OSI like.... Pet training ect. 3k luck in Fel !
Cur: 43
Avg: 43
Max: 43
Up: 0%  
Ring Of Life
A custom shard with a classic feel focused on long term play-ability, community, and survival. Customs include items, monsters, quests and towns, with more being added all the time
Cur: 42
Avg: 42
Max: 42
Up: 0%  
Ring Of Life
Ein Funshard für Gross und Klein. Kein PVP, kein Skillcap, Statcap 450. AFK-Makroskilling erlaubt. 4 Häuser pro Spieler und 4 Accounts pro IP erlaubt. Eigene Quests, eigene Pets, Evo's, Petleveling/Breeding. Levelbare Rüstungen und vieles mehr zum entdecken.
Cur: 34
Avg: 34
Max: 34
Up: 0%  
UO Renaissance - History Perfected
Renaissance is the only shard committed to making a balanced reproduction of the UO:R era. Unmatched Quality / No AFK Gathering / No Donation Shop / Fantastic Economy / Automated Events / Amazing Website. / 500+ Online / Come experience UO the way you remember it.
Cur: 29
Avg: 29
Max: 29
Up: 0%  
UO Renaissance - History Perfected
UO Cataclysm
Original Sphere style gameplay, Perfected. Developed since 2008, Cataclysm accurately replicates Sphere/T2A style with many unique dynamic systems on RunUO. No Skill Cap - Rare Armors - Special Mounts - Daily Automated Events - Epic Crafting - Dynamic Content - Unique Systems
Cur: 21
Avg: 21
Max: 21
Up: 0%  
UO Cataclysm
Sosaria Online Network
Multi-Network, UO:R OSI clones(Siege & Regular) Based on the game play of 2000'. Sosaria Online is the most accurate emulation of the UO expansions online today, 7 years of development. Professional Staff. PvP/RP/PvM Friendly.
Cur: 20
Avg: 20
Max: 20
Up: 0%  
Sosaria Online Network
Quests and Legends
Friendly Staff and Players. Custom Content Constantly Added. Levelable Weapons, Spellbooks, Shields etc. Unique Automated Quests, Systems and Events, like Daily Quest Rankings, Spellcrafting, Newbie Champ and Triple Champ Spawn. 450 Stat cap, No skill cap, 6/8 FC-FCR, Cast on the Move! Training Rooms. Great Quality of Life changes like item containers. Start with 10x100 skills, 220 stat ball, a squire, a travel atlas and more.
Cur: 18
Avg: 18
Max: 18
Up: 0%  
Quests and Legends
Oceania Classic
Visit http://login.oceaniaclassic.com/status for current live shard status.
Cur: 14
Avg: 14
Max: 14
Up: 0%  
Oceania Classic
Chat system PVP/NONEPVP System New Player Dungeon Teleporters,Resurrection stones,Rare Hard To Find Uniques,Custom build house's (Limited), Neutral Zone,AFK System,PvP Stone Loot/NoLoot,Vendors,New special Colored Armor's,Champion Spawns,Doom Dungeon,Insurance system, Paragons,PVP Arena,Ship System Mana Regeneration Rings,Stamina Regeneration,Hits Regeneration,Stable System,Runebooks, & New MONSTERS
Cur: 14
Avg: 14
Max: 14
Up: 0%  
PVM SERVER ITA No skill Cap, start with 250 skill cap, +1 Total Skill Cap Scroll, +1 Power Scroll Scroll Stackable,Skill can reach 300. New type of Paragon Token System for special item. New Treasure System. ip: uo.uodiamond.com port: 2593
Cur: 14
Avg: 14
Max: 14
Up: 0%  
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(There is a total of 190 listed shards out of 1372)
Note: Offline shards become inactive after 7 days, but will still display if they have votes.

We have cancelled our Paypal account but want to thank all those who have donated in the past.
At some point we will set up a different service.

We strongly recommend you also cancel your Paypal account! Here's why.