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Order by: [votes] [name] [players online] [network response time] [uptime] [Last Polled]

  Votes Shard Name Online Ping  
uo:Akalabeth shard (Pub15/16 + T2A OSI style modified) Server location : Tokyo Razor Login : login.akalbeth.net Port 2593 account : 1IP 3accounts( auto account creation at connect, No sign-in need) Skill Up : Extremely Fast cheat : Kirrios(x), random target(x), Razor(o), Easyuo(o), auto target(x)
Cur: 169
Avg: 169
Max: 169
Up: 0%  
Shadow Age: Reborn
Custom Age of Shadows shard with full end game content! Pet Leveling System | Summoner System | Custom Art | Custom Monsters | & more.
Cur: 165
Avg: 165
Max: 165
Up: 0%  
Shadow Age: Reborn
UO Exploration
Unique take on UO, evolving the good old simplicity we love with modern game design. Free house on the first month of the shard ! Core: No skillcap, 350 stat cap. Easy gains except crafting Felucca only Champions, Bosses & Rares Evolutive content/history Combat: No pre-cast, cast line-of-sight Challenging PvM Open PvP AOS+ environment but without new skills (no necro, chiv, focus, mystic etc) No pets in PvP, QOL features, newbie friendly.
Cur: 152
Avg: 152
Max: 152
Up: 0%  
UO Exploration
Nothing UO - Pvp Shard
PvP Shard which is based on fun systems
Cur: 138
Avg: 138
Max: 138
Up: 0%  
Nothing UO - Pvp Shard
Dragon World — the world in which live
[5 July: Opening server in Europe Data Center] Creating own client on UE4 (Win, Mac, *nix, iOS, Android). Everyday events. Own ZS server (founded in 2005). Lots of innovations. No skillcap. Professional team. Hi-end server, no lags. Welcome!
Cur: 131
Avg: 131
Max: 131
Up: 0%  
Dragon World — the world in which live
testing server
Cur: 113
Avg: 113
Max: 113
Up: 0%  
The Fifteen Gems Free Shard
The Fifteen Gems Shard is a Brazilian server of Ultima Online, free, founded between 2000 and 2001, considered the largest Brazilian shard of UO ever made (1000+ players online), and that, after some re-releases, returned to activity in March 2017 , with a new team and with some alternative proposals for the maintenance of the economy and gameplay. We run over sphere and have a Changespeed FREE community.
Cur: 86
Avg: 86
Max: 86
Up: 0%  
The Fifteen Gems Free Shard
Heretic Sphere X-1 [Dedicated]
We're a SphereServer X-1 Test shard that has opened as of 2/10/2019 for the public. We're Faction PvP oriented with highly customized scripts. Check it out! http://discord.gg/XdcpHdH
Cur: 45
Avg: 45
Max: 45
Up: 0%  
Heretic Sphere X-1 [Dedicated]
Dark Age
Somos um servidor baseado na DMS, nosso servidor conta com sistemas diversificados, sem skill e stats cap e skill rate de 0.1 por acerto e muita diversão!!
Cur: 43
Avg: 43
Max: 43
Up: 0%  
Dark Age
1200.0 Skill cap to keep it fun and still have variety. 275/305 stat cap. Seasonal events, active GMs, GM events, Custom dungeons/gear/pets. OSI like.... Pet training ect. 3k luck in Fel !
Cur: 43
Avg: 43
Max: 43
Up: 0%  
(Pages: [first] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [Last] )

(There is a total of 190 listed shards out of 1372)
Note: Offline shards become inactive after 7 days, but will still display if they have votes.

We have cancelled our Paypal account but want to thank all those who have donated in the past.
At some point we will set up a different service.

We strongly recommend you also cancel your Paypal account! Here's why.