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Order by: [votes] [name] [players online] [network response time] [uptime] [Last Polled]

  Votes Shard Name Online Ping  
Lost City
Step into the world of Ultima Online, where adventure awaits at every turn As one of the longest-running MMORPGs, Ultima Online offers a rich, immersive experience that has captivated players for decades.
Cur: 8
Avg: 7
Max: 13
Cur: 224ms
Avg: 251ms
Up: 98.97%
Lost City
UO Traditions (where the tradition lives on)
Traditional UO that's Always fresh. New adventures content weekly. Staff that listen Player ideas addressed No donations accepted Nothing sold for real money Welcoming 1200 Skill Gate 100s of Quests 1,000s of customs Give us a look maybe find a home
Cur: 8
Avg: 5
Max: 15
Cur: 354ms
Avg: 375ms
Up: 98.14%
UO Traditions (where the tradition lives on)
Heritage TrueUO
Heritage - Up and running for 640 days as of 10/26/2017. A UO clone all the expansions. Newest content to include: - Full Enhanced Client and Classic Client support. - FULL TOL SUPPORT. ALL skill masteries. - Shadowguard! The newest TOL encounter. - Virtue vs Vice (VvV)(Newest UO PVP system) - Clean Up Britannia - Town Loyalty / Governorship - Bard and Skill Masteries (new TOL expansion) - Covetous Void pool encounter - Shame Crystal and boss system - High seas 100% - Imbue / Reforge - Castle Blackthorn Dungeon - Custom content and a balanced economy. Dedicated Server - 24/7 99.9% uptime. We run this shard on a base set of values and ethics and you WILL see it. LOYALTY, DUTY, RESPECT, HONOR, and most importantly INTEGRITY!
Cur: 6
Avg: 10
Max: 24
Cur: 32ms
Avg: 38ms
Up: 99.88%
Heritage TrueUO
Cur: 6
Avg: 12
Max: 26
Cur: 61ms
Avg: 84ms
Up: 98.06%
Strange Earth UO
Hey, fellow Ultima Online players! Have you been searching for a new and exciting custom shard to explore? Look no further than Strange-Earth! Our team of dedicated developers has been hard at work creating a unique and immersive UO experience. Our teams passion for creating a nostalgic UO shard but with modern day creature comforts has been in the makings since 2020. I am honored to announce that this shard is now open to the public as a Beta. Beta? An early version that contains most of the major features, but not all of the milestones are completed.
Cur: 6
Avg: 8
Max: 69
Cur: 181ms
Avg: 253ms
Up: 99.94%
Strange Earth UO
UO Dante's Inferno
When other shards fail to meet your expectations, it's time to call UO Dante's Inferno home. An updated shard with custome content added each week based on player feedback. Easy to get started, doesn't take weeks of grinding before you are out in the world looking to leave your mark. Perfect time to get your skills up before new event starts.
Cur: 6
Avg: 9
Max: 17
Cur: 34ms
Avg: 41ms
Up: 98.92%
UO Dante's Inferno
Version: ServUo Publish 57.3 (The latest version in April 2024)Official game content. 720 skill cap, three stats 225Each person can log in with a maximum of 2 characters
Cur: 5
Avg: 10
Max: 26
Cur: 450ms
Avg: 501ms
Up: 98.76%
Why Wolvesbane? A fresh feel to a classic game. Growing community of helpful and dedicated players. No skill caps and 1k stat cap. Evo weapons and pets (including Mercs) New players get the choice of 3 skills @ 120, 7 skills @ 100 or all skills 45 to start the game. We offer customs of all sorts ore/wood/hide/tamable/bosses and much more. We are still the new kids on the block but don't let that deter you. We have new player dungeon for younger folks to get started and geared up and community events to keep things interesting. We have a staff ready to get and keep the ball rolling. So why not give us a shot scared you might like it?
Cur: 5
Avg: 6
Max: 15
Cur: 142ms
Avg: 130ms
Up: 99.87%
Krozier's Castle
Lots have changed here at the Castle. Advanced archery new spell casting, storage things, small player vendor area, resources, the things that go along with the resources, things are growing and making it a better shard. there are many more things being added like quests, invasions and such. thank you all again for checking it out Krozier Discord link is here - Come join our community. https://discord.gg/8uDagfq
Cur: 4
Avg: 3
Max: 6
Cur: 84ms
Avg: 67ms
Up: 99.24%
Krozier's Castle
Ultima Online Resurgence
UO:Resurgence offers a unique experience that can only be given through years of running an Ultima online server. Custom map. Races. Aptitudes No total Skill cap. Felucca ruleset. AOS. Mondains Legacy. Stygian Abyss.No Insurance. Pet Leveling.Weekly updates. See website for details.
Cur: 4
Avg: 2
Max: 6
Cur: 46ms
Avg: 51ms
Up: 98.51%
Ultima Online Resurgence
(Pages: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [Last] )

(There is a total of 196 listed shards out of 1393)
Note: Offline shards become inactive after 7 days, but will still display if they have votes.

We have cancelled our Paypal account but want to thank all those who have donated in the past.
At some point we will set up a different service.

We strongly recommend you also cancel your Paypal account! Here's why.