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Note: there seems to be an issue with banners hosted on non https site. Pretty sure this is a browser issue and depends on the browser or settings. Some browsers will not load assets that are not https. To remedy this ensure to host the banner on a https site. We will be adding an upload function shortly to solve this.

Order by: [votes] [name] [players online] [network response time] [uptime] [Last Polled]

  Votes Shard Name Online Ping  
Vortia UO
Vortia UO is a finely crafted Ultima Online Renaissance shard built by veteran players passionate about both PvM and PvP. Our team focuses on creating a balanced, fair environment where staff remain non-participants. Explore an immersive world with endless opportunities for adventure and growth, a refined risk vs. reward system, and a dynamic player-driven economy. Engage in thrilling PvP battles or tackle challenging PvM encounters filled with surprises. Shape, conquer, and thrive in Vortia UO—rediscover the magic of Ultima Online, reimagined.
Cur: 0
Avg: 0
Max: 0
Up: 0%  
Vortia UO
Wakened Online
A Stygian Abyss era shard with active development, powerful dedicated servers, and regional routing to help improve game play for all.
Cur: 0
Avg: 0
Max: 0
Up: 0%  
Wakened Online
Non-PvP RPG-Shard mit neuer detaillreicher Map, vielen Dungeons, im Spiel integrierter Geschichte und netter Community
Cur: 0
Avg: 0
Max: 0
Up: 0%  
* Server In Development * Zulu Hotel : Forgotten Realms is an Ultima Online server that uses the best of Pol100 along with traditional ZuluHotel systems.
Cur: 0
Avg: 0
Max: 0
Up: 0%  
(Pages: [first] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] )

(There is a total of 194 listed shards out of 1392)
Note: Offline shards become inactive after 7 days, but will still display if they have votes.

We have cancelled our Paypal account but want to thank all those who have donated in the past.
At some point we will set up a different service.

We strongly recommend you also cancel your Paypal account! Here's why.