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Order by: [votes] [name] [players online] [network response time] [uptime] [Last Polled]

  Votes Shard Name Online Ping  
UO Ablaze
Login: Port: 2593 | And NO, we will not be investing in a website in this lifetime. We work with what we got, we dont seek outside help like little b*tches =)
Cur: 2000
Avg: 2000
Max: 2000
Cur: 91ms
Avg: 95ms
Up: 100%
  UO Ablaze
Dark Factions UO
Dark Factions UO is a Free Shard based on the UO:R Era with our own twist, We love all aspects of gameplay and encourage you to Treasure Hunt, Dungeon Crawl, Craft, Murder and Steal to your hearts content. Our Dark Factions Faction System includes all towns with the exception of Nujel'm and Cove and has been enhanced to provide players greater control over the towns. Join us now and start your new future, today!
Cur: 5
Avg: 3
Max: 7
Cur: 29ms
Avg: 34ms
Up: 100%
Dark Factions UO
Endor Revived
Endor is a popular MMORPG based on the Ultima Online. It has a long tradition of game development and player support dating back to the early 2000s. Exp/Lvl system, custom map, dozens of cities, hundreds of dungeons and quests. Lots of new graphics for items and NPCs (over hundred) and ClassicUO client for fluent gameplay. 5.10.2023 shard was restarted from scratch and has been modernized with a huge update to classes, map, dungeons, systems and much more. With experienced staff always ready to help if you have a problem, and a community to guide you if you get lost, this is an excellent time to begin your adventure. The legend continues with you!
Cur: 50
Avg: 95
Max: 224
Cur: 239ms
Avg: 266ms
Up: 100%
Endor Revived
HellFire Evolution
Free Shard brasileiro, criado em Outubro de 2001, com um dos conteúdos mais personalizados de todos! Sem limites de habilidades, 300 de status. Ganhos rápidos, novos campeões, centenas de monstros e itens personalizados, dezenas de missões, artesanato personalizado, casas urbanas, criação de animais, equipe madura e experiente, comunidade amigável, todas as facetas e expansões ativas, incluindo Ter Mur, Underworld, Stygian Abyss, High Seas e Time of Legends.
Cur: 38
Avg: 36
Max: 49
Cur: 509ms
Avg: 469ms
Up: 100%
HellFire Evolution
No Trammel || Open PvP || Crafted from Defiance [DFI] and AoS Longevity original code || Daily CTF + Pentagram. AWS Data Center Hosted || Hunter BODs || Hidden Bitcoin and cryptocurrency || No Trammel || 720 Skill Cap || Fast Start || No pay to win shop || Dev Team Based out of Chicago, USA.
Cur: 1
Avg: 1
Max: 8
Cur: 71ms
Avg: 71ms
Up: 100%
Ultima Reforged
Tired of outdated UO Servers from 1997? Sure, T2A and Renn are great, but how about ML, AoS, HS, SA, SE, TOL, and all the current content on the retail servers. Quality of Life changes including the loot bag and ledger. Daily Town invasions. Helpful and friendly (and active) staff. Helpful players to point you in the right direction 1200 skill, 300 stat Join us on Reforged! https://discord.gg/gK7grkFW3R
Cur: 0
Avg: 0
Max: 4
Cur: 65ms
Avg: 67ms
Up: 100%
Ultima Reforged
UO ZombieLand
Hey ihr Hunters Untote haben die Macht über die Menschheit errungen. Kommt und helft uns..das dies nicht noch schlimmer wird. Es gibt kaum noch Reale Menschen... Aber passt auf... das ihr nicht zu einem Untoten werdet. UO ZombieLand ist ein Shard wo Craften und Jagen eine grosse Rolle spielt. Wir haben eigene Queste / Monster / Dungeons / ein neues Hausbau System und vieles mehr erschaffen. Kommt ins Spiel und lasst euch überraschen von UO ZOMBIELAND.
Cur: 0
Avg: 0
Max: 1
Cur: 504ms
Avg: 479ms
Up: 100%
UO ZombieLand
Wakened Online
A Stygian Abyss era shard with active development, powerful dedicated servers, and regional routing to help improve game play for all.
Cur: 0
Avg: 0
Max: 2
Cur: 62ms
Avg: 70ms
Up: 100%
Wakened Online
Realm of Souls
10 Skill cap. Up to 1200 skill points using power scrolls. 325 Default Stat cap. Power scrolls from champ spawns can increase. Increased skill gain over standard OSI rule sets. Less time grinding! Power Hour feature. Using .powerhour in game will increase your skill gain even further for one hour. 1 account per IP and 2 houses per account. Reds are allowed in Trammel. Felluca PVP style enabled on all maps! Early Player Gifts: FREE Small Brick House, a house Placement Tool for converting to editable plot, a Spellbook with 43 spells, Special Runebook, Bag of Reagents, Stats Ball (Maximize Stats) and 8k in Gold!
Cur: 0
Avg: 0
Max: 1
Cur: 50ms
Avg: 66ms
Up: 99.99%
Realm of Souls
Sylvan Heart
Experience Sylvan Heart! Be anything on a family-friendly shard with dedicated staff and a beautiful RP encouraging atmosphere where pvm flourishes and pvp lurks waiting for those daring to try their might! 1200 skill cap, 450 stat cap, macro 24/7, abundance of custom creatures, commands, items, events, quest, and more!
Cur: 0
Avg: 0
Max: 1
Cur: 112ms
Avg: 177ms
Up: 99.99%
Sylvan Heart
(Pages: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [Last] )

(There is a total of 183 listed shards out of 1370)
Note: Offline shards become inactive after 7 days, but will still display if they have votes.

We have cancelled our Paypal account but want to thank all those who have donated in the past.
At some point we will set up a different service.

We strongly recommend you also cancel your Paypal account! Here's why.