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Order by: [votes] [name] [players online] [network response time] [uptime] [Last Polled]

  Votes Shard Name Online Ping  
White Tiger
We are White Tiger.Come play with us.We have PVM & PVP in Felucca.There is 2 accounts per IP & 2 houses per accounts. We do family accounts also. Here are some of the specifications we have No Skill Cap & Stat Cap is 450 Evo Pets 6 KP's & 16 EP's Evo Armor & Weapons For Humans & Gargoyles Bio Pets & Rainbow Mounts Power Scrolls to 150 & Crafting Scrolls to 150 We have 192 Mobs & 121 Tamables & 168 Quest We have lots of Deco so you can make your UO house one of a kind Log In:whitetigersrus.com Port2593
Cur: 2
Avg: 5
Max: 17
Cur: 41ms
Avg: 75ms
Up: 91.66%
White Tiger
Ultima Online Resurgence
UO:Resurgence offers a unique experience that can only be given through years of running an Ultima online server. Custom map. Races. Aptitudes No total Skill cap. Felucca ruleset. AOS. Mondains Legacy. Stygian Abyss.No Insurance. Pet Leveling.Weekly updates. See website for details.
Cur: 0
Avg: 1
Max: 4
Cur: 49ms
Avg: 53ms
Up: 90.98%
Ultima Online Resurgence
Non-PvP RPG-Shard mit neuer detaillreicher Map, vielen Dungeons, im Spiel integrierter Geschichte und netter Community
Cur: 0
Avg: 0
Max: 0
Up: 0%  
Ultima Anonymous
Dedicated server, located in Lansing, Michigan Numerous custom locations, and items. Quests, and attractions that make a nod to the classics, and a taste of something fresh. OSI Clone, fully populated with NPCs and enemies. Newer shard, offering incentives to new members and rewards to return players. Inquire with a GM about transfering your character to our shard!
Cur: 0
Avg: 0
Max: 0
Up: 0%  
Ultima Anonymous
Dragon World — the world in which live
[5 July: Opening server in Europe Data Center] Creating own client on UE4 (Win, Mac, *nix, iOS, Android). Everyday events. Own ZS server (founded in 2005). Lots of innovations. No skillcap. Professional team. Hi-end server, no lags. Welcome!
Cur: 131
Avg: 131
Max: 131
Up: 0%  
Dragon World — the world in which live
UOGamers: Hybrid
UOGamers: Hybrid is the standard for Ultima Online free shards. With an average playerbase online of 1000 users we are the largest free shard out there. We are backed by The RunUO Team!
Cur: 206
Avg: 143
Max: 376
Up: 18.37%  
UOGamers:  Hybrid
RunUO 700 skills with ML & SA & HS
Cur: 0
Avg: 0
Max: 0
Up: 0%  
Test Shard
Cur: 0
Avg: 0
Max: 0
Up: 0%  
Test Shard
Ultima Online Everlast
Coming soon,grand opening mid February/first March. What is UO Everlast?UO Everlast is an Ultima Online server based on Mondain's Legacy era,providing a pure ML experience with some features added like: Miners,lumberjackers,fishers,player versus player,and player versus monster monthly rankings with prices for the first three players on the top.UO Everlast offers too a single player monsterbash event with a chance to get a special reward if completed.Another special feature of UO Everlast are our daily automated PVP events,we got different tourneys and they are: Capture the flag,tournament 1v1,tournament 2v2,color wars,faction wars,and free for all,offering too 4 different arenas to host single duels,using the command "i wish to duel".Players gonna be rewarded with pvp points participating on these events to exchange for special rewards. Join Discord: https://discord.com/invite/HjjM7fWKzD
Cur: 0
Avg: 0
Max: 0
Up: 0%  
Ultima Online Everlast
Enter a realm where dragons reign supreme, and dark wizards unleash deadly curses upon unsuspecting travelers. Dark Desire is a perilous journey into a time when danger lurked around every corner, and death was always one misstep away. Whether you're braving treacherous dungeons or engaging in fierce PvP battles, this shard will transport you to a world where survival is not guaranteed, and the price of failure is steep.
Cur: 0
Avg: 0
Max: 0
Up: 0%  
(Pages: [first] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [Last] )

(There is a total of 190 listed shards out of 1372)
Note: Offline shards become inactive after 7 days, but will still display if they have votes.

We have cancelled our Paypal account but want to thank all those who have donated in the past.
At some point we will set up a different service.

We strongly recommend you also cancel your Paypal account! Here's why.