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UO ZombieLand
Hey ihr Hunters
Untote haben die Macht über die Menschheit errungen.
Kommt und helft uns..das dies nicht noch schlimmer wird.
Es gibt kaum noch Reale Menschen...
Aber passt auf... das ihr nicht zu einem Untoten werdet.
UO ZombieLand ist ein Shard wo Craften und Jagen eine grosse Rolle spielt.
Wir haben eigene Queste / Monster / Dungeons /
ein neues Hausbau System und vieles mehr erschaffen.
Kommt ins Spiel und lasst euch überraschen von UO ZOMBIELAND. |
Cur: 4 Avg: 3 Max: 6 | Cur: 279ms Avg: 431ms Up: 99.16% |
![UO ZombieLand]() |
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Dragon World — the world in which live
[5 July: Opening server in Europe Data Center] Creating own client on UE4 (Win, Mac, *nix, iOS, Android). Everyday events. Own ZS server (founded in 2005). Lots of innovations. No skillcap. Professional team. Hi-end server, no lags. Welcome! |
Cur: 129 Avg: 137 Max: 162 | Cur: 252ms Avg: 265ms Up: 96.58% |
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Japan |
Cur: 1 Avg: 3 Max: 16 | Cur: 482ms Avg: 867ms Up: 95.94% |
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Ye Olde Sphere
A Renaissance era shard using the modern X branch of Sphereserver. Emulating accurate era mechanics with core Sphere features. A proven development history and clear path forward, join us and take part in our small but able community. |
Cur: 1 Avg: 1 Max: 4 | Cur: 87ms Avg: 61ms Up: 85.14% |
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Quests and Legends
Great Community of Players. Unique and Exclusive Content: 5 New Facets, Evo pets and items, Crafting Systems, Challenge Rifts (seasonal), New Spells (elemental magi), Spell maker, Quest maker, Automated and Staff Run Events, Training Areas, Automated Guilds, Professions, Crafter's Paradise, Hundreds of New quests, New Player and Gargoyle Friendly. Live the adventure and become a Legend! |
Cur: 22 Avg: 19 Max: 41 | Cur: 62ms Avg: 97ms Up: 99.92% |
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Age of Shadows Server |
Cur: 0 Avg: 0 Max: 5 | Cur: 249ms Avg: 259ms Up: 91.32% |
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Krozier's Castle
Lots have changed here at the Castle. Advanced archery new spell casting, storage things, small player vendor area,
resources, the things that go along with the resources, things are growing and making it a better shard. there are many more things being added like quests, invasions and such. thank you all again for checking it out
Discord link is here - Come join our community.
https://discord.gg/8uDagfq |
Cur: 4 Avg: 3 Max: 6 | Cur: 85ms Avg: 66ms Up: 99.24% |
![Krozier's Castle]() |
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World of UO - Free Ultima Online Shard
Age of Shadows (Publish 27) PVP Shard.
IP: login.worldofuo.com - Port: 2593
Free Ultima Online Shard |
Cur: 0 Avg: 1 Max: 5 | Cur: 253ms Avg: 259ms Up: 99.94% |
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UO Lost Lands
T2A done right. Active/attentive staff, consistent development, amazing website, unique achievement system, automated event system, PvM/PvP rankings. Created by players who love T2A, for players who love T2A. Come see why people are talking about us. |
Cur: 21 Avg: 21 Max: 33 | Cur: 57ms Avg: 55ms Up: 100% |
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UO Dante's Inferno
When other shards fail to meet your expectations, it's time to call UO Dante's Inferno home. An updated shard with custome content added each week based on player feedback.
Easy to get started, doesn't take weeks of grinding before you are out in the world looking to leave your mark. Perfect time to get your skills up before new event starts. |
Cur: 6 Avg: 9 Max: 17 | Cur: 41ms Avg: 41ms Up: 98.92% |
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